- Still a work in progress. Your suggestions are welcome.
- You can use this tool to generate concordances from the text your paste in the textbox.
- Text encoding supported: GB2312 and GBK.
- Maximum length of text: 300KB. If it is plain text, that amounts to more than 100,000 characters.
- String pattern: a string of character(s). All occurrences of the character(s) within the same sentence will be matched, where a sentence is a string delimited by one of the following punctuations: ،££؟£،£»،.
- For wildcard search, insert a star (*) between two characters or phrases. Wildcard concordancing is limited to two characters/words/phrases such as ثنب»*µ«،£
Copyright. 1998-2025. Jun Da. jda@mtsu.edu.
Page last updated: 2011-03-29