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Chinese text computing

(This is the 1998 version. An updated 2004 version is now available)


Jun Da: How to Read Chinese Index Page

Chinese computing FAQ

Here are a bunch of technical notes and tutorials on some topics of Chinese text computing. Hope they will be useful for you. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a note.

  1. Displaying and editing Chinese
    1. Windows95/98/NT4.0/2000
    2. MacOS
    3. UNIX: If you are a unix person, you are on your own :-).
  2. Chinese encoding standards
    1. GB2312-80
    2. Big5
    3. GBK
  3. Segmenting Chinese characters in running text
    1. Perl script
    2. C script
  4. A working definition of words and phrases in written Chinese
  5. A working definition of sentences in written Chinese
  6. Programming tips
Chinese Computing Site Map

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Chinese computing FAQ
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Copyright. 1998-2000. Jun Da. jda@mtsu.edu