Snow mountain Lijiang China
Professor of Linguistics and Chinese
Graduate Program Director
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Texas
at Austin
Professional service
- Executive editor (since 2017), Associate editor (2010-2017), Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching
- Member of the Board of Directors (2015-2019), The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA, Inc. (CLTA)
- Member of the Editorial Board (2015-2020), Chinese as a Second Language 漢語教學研究 The Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association-US (CSL)
Publications and presentations
- Da, J., & Zheng, Y. (2018). Technology and the teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language. In C. Ke. (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of Chinese second language acquisition (pp. 432-447). New York: Routledge.
Da, J. (2018). Is text-to-speech technology ready for CFL listening practice? Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA, Washington, D.C.
- Xu, D., Da, J., Liu, S., Jiang, S., & Zhang, P. (2016). Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the US – 2016. Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press.
- Xu, D., Da, J., & Liu, S. (Eds.). (2016). The 9th International Conference & Workshops on Technology & Chinese Language Teaching: Conference Proceedings 2016. Macau, China: University of Macau.
- Da, J. (2015). The Application of speech recognition technology in Chinese language learning: What can be learned from a Pinyin lab session. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 6(1), 16-24.
- Da, J. (2014). Teaching Chinese culture with quantitative data. In The Center for the Studies of Chinese as a Second Language (Ed.), Research On Chinese Applied Linguistics (Series 3), 136-144. Beijing: Commercial Press.
- Da, J. (2014). Curriculum design and implementation for a Chinese teacher certification program in the State of Tennessee: Issues and suggested solutions. Journal of International Chinese Teaching, 4, 7-8. (A summary of the 2014 Presentation under the same title.)
- Da, J. (2014). Curriculum design and implementation for a Chinese teacher certification program in the State of Tennessee: Issues and suggested solutions. Paper presented at the Fourth International Forum on Chinese Teacher Education, Beijing, November 2014.
- Da, J. (2014). Developing Chinese speaking activities with mobile speech technology. Paperp presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. San Antonio, USA.
- Da, J, Jiang, S., Zhang, P., & Liu, S. (2014). The 8th International Conference & Workshops on Technology & Chinese Language Teaching: Conference Proceedings 2014. Boston: Tufts University.
- Da, J. (2013). Developing interactive multimedia CFL learning materials with iBooks Author. Paper presented at the 2013 Annual Conference of the Chinese Teachers Association in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Orlando, FL.
- Xu, D., Da, J., Liu, S., Jiang, S., & Zhang, P. (2012). Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the US – 2012. Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press.
- Da, J, Jiang, S., & Liu, S. (2012). The 7th International Conference & Workshops on Technology & Chinese Language Teaching: Conference Proceedings 2012. Honolulu, Hawaii: National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii.
- Da, J. (2012). ZiCiCheck: An online tool to assess CFL learners’ character knowledge. Paper presented at the 2012 Annual Conference of the Chinese Teachers Association in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Philadelphia, PA.
- Da, Jun. 2011. CFL learners' perception of temporally modified speech. The 2011 Annual Conference of the Chinese Teachers Association in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Denver, USA.
- Da, Jun. 2011. Issues in the development of online CFL learning and resource systems: A case study of Great Wall Chinese and Confucius Institute Online. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 2,1,23-35.
- Da, Jun. 2011. How to adjust the playback speed of audio and video learning materials. Journal of Chinese Language Teaching and Research in the U.S., 2011,93-97. (pdf)
- Da, Jun. 2010. Pinyin annotation and beginning level CFL reading instruction.The 2010 Annual Conference of the Chinese Teachers Association in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Boston, USA. (pdf)
- Da, Jun. 2010. Using Google Earth and Google Maps for task-based activities and cultural knowledge. The Sixth International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Xu, De Bao, Jun Da and Ni Zhang (eds.). 2010. The Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Da, Jun. 2009. A quantitative approach to measuring CFL text difficulty.The 2009 Annual Conference of the Chinese Teachers Association in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. San Diego, USA.
- Da, Jun. 2009. Speech rate and CFL instructional audio materials preparation. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy. Guilin, China. (Paper in pdf format)
- Da, Jun. 2009. EFL learners' language production in using chatbot as a language practice tool. Presented at The 2009 International
Association for Language Learning Technology Conference. Atlanta, USA.
- Da, Jun and Fujia Li. 2008. Enhancing CFL instruction with video and web-based interactivity. The Fifth International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century. Macau, China.
- Da, Jun. 2007. Reading news for information: How much vocabulary a CFL learner should know. The Cognition, Learning and teaching of Chinese characters, ed. by Guder, Andreas, Xin Jiang and Yexin Wan, 251-277. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press. (This is the edited verion of the paper presented at the 2005 Germersheim conference.)
- Da, Jun. 2007. The distribution of four-character idioms in Chinese news texts and its implications for CFL learning and instruction. in Essays on teaching Chinese to American students: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy and the 1st International Conference on Teaching Chinese to American Students. Chen, Aimin, Wayne Wenchao He and Ling Mu (eds.). 234-238. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
(Paper in pdf format)
- Wei, Qing and Jun Da. 2006. Learning Chinese and culture through street signs. The 2006 Annual Conference of the Chinese Teachers Association in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Nashville, USA. (Project website at
- Da, Jun. 2006. A web-based vocabulary profiler for Chinese language teaching and learning. The fourth international conference and workshops on technology and Chinese language teaching. Los Angeles, USA. (Paper in pdf format)
- Da, Jun. 2005. Reading news for information: How much vocabulary a CFL learner should know. International Interdisciplinary Conference on Hnz rnzh - How Western Learners Discover the World of Written Chinese. Germersheim, Germany.
- Da, Jun. 2004. A web-based concordancer for Chinese language teaching and research. The 2004 Annual Conference of the Chinese Teachers Association in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Chicago, USA.
- Da, Jun. 2004. A corpus-based study of character and bigram frequencies in Chinese e-texts and its implications for Chinese language instruction. The studies on the theory and methodology of the digitized Chinese teaching to foreigners: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on new technologies in teaching and learning Chinese, ed. by Zhang, Pu, Tianwei Xie and Juan Xu, 501-511. Beijing: The Tsinghua University Press. (Download pdf file: Letter size, A4 size)
- Da, Jun. 2004. An empirical investigation on the distribution of A-not-A questions in Chinese literary texts. The 16th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Iowa City, Iowa (PDF download)
- Da, Jun. 2004. Using Microsoft Speech Technology for Voice-enabled Interactive Learning Materials Development.
Mid-Atlantic Association for Language Learning Technology and Southeast Assocation for Language Learning Technology Joint Spring 2004 Conference. TN: Sewanee
- Da, Jun. 2003. The use of online courseware in foreign language instruction and its implication for classroom pedagogy . Proceedings of the 8th Annual Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.
- Da, Jun. 2003. A comparison of four authoring tools for online interactive learning materials development. Mid-Atlantic Association for Language Learning Technology Spring 2003 Conference. VA: Williamsburg.
- Da, Jun. 2002. Implementation of the digital language lab. Mid-Atlantic
Association for Language Learning Technology Spring 2002 Conference. VA:
- Da, Jun. 2002. Review of 'TOEIC Mastery'. Computer-assisted language learning
at Chorus.
- Da, Jun. 2001. Review of 'English With Us' CD-ROM. Computer-assisted language
learning at Chorus.
- Da, Jun and Shutang Zheng. 2001. The design and implementation of the ezLingua
quiz engine for web-based foreign language instruction. Presented at the International
Association for Language Learning Technology 2001 Biennial
Conference. Houston, May 2001
- Da, Jun. 2000. The effects of focus on tone sandhi in Chinese dialects.
Ph.D. dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin. Supervisor: Dr.
Manfred Krifka
- Da, Jun. 1998. The additivity of the focus particle ye in Mandarin
Chinese. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic
Society of America (LSA). New York
- Da, Jun. 1997. Syllable duration in Mandarin tone sandhi and the Auditory
Enhancement Theory. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the
Linguistic Society of America (LSA). Chicago, IL (Appeared in Texas
Linguistic Forum 40. ed. by Doran, Amanda R., Tivoli Majors and Nisha
Merchant Goss. 119-132.)
- Da, Jun. 1996. Identity in Chinese reduplicative morphology. Paper
presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Formal Linguistic Society
of Mid-America (FLSM VII). Columbus, OH.
- Da, Jun. 1996. Distributivity, proportional quantifier and the scopal
adverb dou in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting
of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA). San Diego, CA.
- Da, Jun. 1995. A constraint-based approach to the chameleon /r/ in
Mandarin Dialects. Paper presented at NELS 26 . Cambridge, MA (Proceedings
of the North East Linguistic Society 26 (NELS 26), ed. by Kiyomi Kusumoto.
- Da, Jun. 1995. Alignment and affixation in Chinese dialects. Paper
presented at the joint meeting of the Fourth International Conference
on Chinese Linguistics and the Seventh North American Conference on
Chinese Linguistics. Madison, Wisconsin.
- Da, Jun. 1995. The interaction of binding principles and the Chinese
reflexive taziji. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of Berkeley
Linguistic Society. ed. by Ahlers, et al. 72-81. Berkeley, CA.
- Da, Jun. 1995. Retroflex-suffixation in Anxiang Chinese: An Optimality
Approach Texas Linguistic Forum 35. 55-72.
- Da, Jun. 1994. Infixation in Chinese dialects: An Optimality Analysis.
1994 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers (Volume I). ed. by Ingemann,
Frances. 33-44. Lawrence, KS.
- Da, Jun. 1994. The triggering effect of the OCP in Tianjin tone sandhi.
Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association
of the Southwest, Houston, TX.
Copyright. 1998-2025. Jun Da.
Page last updated: 2019-04-17