What's new
(Page last updated: 2010-09-16)
Any modifications to this website will be recorded here.
- May 2004: New lists were made public;
- March 2004: Recalculated the character frequency list and calculated two new bigram frequency list based the updated corpus;
- May 2001 - Dec. 2003: Collected more texts from online sources;
- September, 2000. Website permenatly moved to http://lingua.mtsu.edu;
- Oct. 28, 1999. Website moved to http://www.bio.utexas.edu/staff/jun;
- April, 3, 1999: Minor modification of page layouts;
- July 5, 1998: Set up this website at http://lifesci.utexas.edu/jun (now defunct) and put all the frequency lists on line;
- Several years ago - June, 1998: Collected Chinese texts and wrote Perl scripts to process the data.
Copyright. 1998-2025. Jun Da. jda@mtsu.edu.
Page last updated: 2010-09-16