PHP + MySQL sample code
Here are two sample scripts which demonstrate how to connect to MySQL database using
the PHP scripting language. The first one is an example without using PHPLIB, whereas the
second one relies on PHPLIB.
1. Before you start
It is supposed that you have the following:
- A working system with Apache + MySQL + PHP installed and properly configured. You may
want to take a look at my tutorial if you do not have a working
- MySQL: You need to know the location of your database server, the username and password
for database connection, and the database and table names. The database should also have
the proper permissions set (i.e., allowing you to connect to it from a particular host).
2. Sample One: Without PHPLIB support
/* declare some relevant variables */
$hostname = "localhost"; /* This is the hostname on which your MySQL is running */
$dbName = "sampledb";
$username = "myusername";
$password = "mypassword";
$table = "mysampletable"; /* MySQL table created to store the data */
/* Make connection to database */
MYSQL_CONNECT($hostname, $username, $password) OR DIE("Unable to connect to dat
/* Select the database to be processed */
@mysql_select_db( "$dbName") or die( "Unable to select database");
/* Prepare the SQL query statement */
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table";
/* Execute the query */
$result = MYSQL_QUERY($query);
/* Now do something with the query result. e.g. print out the number of selected rows. */
$numberofrow = mysql_num_rows($result);
print "$numberofrow";
/* Close the database connection */
Please check the PHP reference at
for all the available functions related to MySQL.
3. Sample Two: With PHPLIB support
Step 1: Create a new database class
Create a new database class in the file of the PHPLIB
package you have installed on your system. For example,
class DB_Hanzi extends DB_Sql {
var $Host = "localhost";
var $Database = "mydb";
var $User = "webuser";
var $Password = "whoknows";
Step 2: Prepare your .php script
/* We define two sample variables for the following database query */
$myemail = "";
$table = "userinfor";
/* Create an instance of the database class */
$db = new DB_Hanzi;
/* Prepare a query statement */
$query = "Select * from $table where email=\"$myemail\"";
/* Execute the query */
/* Do something with the query result, e.g., printing out the email address */
while ($db->next_record()) {
For more information about PHPLIB, please read the relevant documents,
especially the DB_Sql section (Chapter 3) of the PHPLIB document. More
sample codes can be found from, and