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Chinese text computing

(This is the 1998 version. An updated 2004 version is now available)


Comparison of different GB2312 tables in the public domain

Encoding standard: GB2312-80

(Last modified: 2000-10-22)

GB2312-80 is a standard for encoding simplified Chinese. It is used in mainland China, Singapore and a few other places around the world. Most, if not all software applications developed or localized for Chinese users will support the standard. For an introduction to the standard as well as other Chinese encoding standards, please read Ken Lunde's excellent tutorial on CJK. Wang Hai also provides very informative references on the subject.

There are serveral tables on the internet which enumerates those Chinese characters specified in the GB2312-80 standard. However, there are some differences among them in the exact number of characters listed.

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